Klapping Push-Up

Clapping Push-Up is a plyometric variation of the push-up that requires explosive strength in the upper body. The exercise activates **chest**, **shoulders**, and **triceps**, and also helps improve **core balance**. It is ideal for those who want to develop explosive strength and improve their **athletic performance**.

Correct technique and execution

Follow these steps to perform a proper Clapping Push-Up:

  1. Starting position: Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width and keep your body in a plank position with a tight core.
  2. Explosive lowering: Lower your body as in a normal push-up, then push up explosively so that your hands are lifted off the ground.
  3. Clap: While in the air, clap your hands in front of your chest. Then land gently with soft elbows.
  4. Repeat: After landing, go directly into the next repetition.

Common errors

  • Hard landings: Avoid landing with straight elbows to avoid injury. Land with soft elbows to absorb the impact.
  • Too little explosive power: If you can't clap, start with explosive push-ups without clapping to build strength.
  • Poor core stability: Keep your core tight throughout the movement to prevent your hips from sinking.

Modifications and variations

For beginners: Start with incline clapping push-ups with your hands on a bench or higher surface. For the advanced: Try a "front clap to back clap" push-up, where you clap both in front and behind your body in one repetition.

Reps and sets

Aim for 3 sets of 6-8 reps, as this exercise is demanding and focuses on explosiveness.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you lower your body to the ground, and exhale explosively as you push your body up to clap.

Videos for technique

Here are two videos that demonstrate the correct execution of the Clapping Push-Up:

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