Nedre ryggstrekk

Lower Back Stretch is an essential exercise to release tension and improve flexibility in the lower back and hips . This stretch is ideal for anyone who struggles with lower back stiffness, either after exercise or prolonged sitting. It also helps improve mobility in the spine.

Correct Technique

How to perform a simple Lower Back Stretch:

  1. Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched out.
  2. Bend one knee and gently pull it towards your chest while holding it with both hands.
  3. Keep your back and neck relaxed while holding this position for 20-30 seconds .
  4. Repeat on the opposite side, or pull both knees in towards your chest for a deeper stretch.

Common Errors

  • Excessive lifting of the shoulders: Make sure that the shoulders and head are relaxed on the floor.
  • For quick execution: Do not stress through the movement. Hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds to achieve maximum effect.

Modifications and Variations

  • Support under the knees: If your back feels uncomfortable, you can place a pillow under your knees for extra support.
  • Advanced version: Try doing the stretch with both knees pulled to the chest at the same time for a deeper stretch in the lower back.

Repetitions and Sets

Hold each side for 20-30 seconds , and repeat 2-3 times as needed to relieve stiffness.

Breathing techniques

Inhale calmly through your nose while pulling your knee towards your chest. Exhale while holding the position, and try to relax your lower back with each exhalation.

Visual Tips and Angles

Watch this video for a detailed review of the Lower Back Stretch:

The video shows correct technique and gives tips for performing the stretch safely and effectively.

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