Superman to Push-Up
Superman to Push-Up is a fantastic bodyweight exercise that combines back-strengthening movements with classic push-ups to strengthen the upper body , including chest , shoulders , triceps , lower back and glutes . It is ideal for building muscle strength and better body coordination.
Correct technique and execution
How to perform the Superman Two Push-Up :
- Start lying on your stomach in the superman position, with your arms stretched forward and your legs slightly off the ground as you tighten your glutes and core.
- Hold the superman position for a few seconds, then lower your arms and legs back to the ground.
- Push off the ground and perform a push-up , then lower your chest to the ground before pushing back up into plank position.
- Repeat the sequence between superman and push-up in a steady rhythm.
Common errors
- Excessive sway in the lower back: Keep the core engaged to avoid strain on the lower back in the superman position.
- Incorrect push-up technique: Keep a straight line from head to heel during the push-up and avoid dropping your hips.
Modifications and variations
- Kneeling push-up: If the regular push-up is too demanding, perform it on your knees to lighten the load.
- Explosive Superman to Push-Up: Increase the intensity by doing explosive push-ups or by elevating your feet for a bigger challenge.
Sets and repetitions
Perform 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions, or adjust the number of repetitions according to your level.
Breathing technique
Breathe in when you lower yourself into a push-up, and breathe out when you push yourself up. Keep breathing steady in the superman move for better control.