How to wash shoes?
Avoid dirty shoes with this trick
One of the best tips for white shoes is prevention. If you want to keep your new sneakers clean and white for as long as possible, the first thing you should do is impregnate the shoes before you use them. This will make it so less dirt sticks to the shoes, and any stains will be easier to wash away. If the damage has already occurred, we have several effective tips that remove even the worst stains.
General tips
Here are some general tips for preserving the appearance and quality of your shoes before we dive right into how to wash them. They are very simple and can quickly become a nice little routine when you get home. It is always best to take care of these steps as early as possible so that you prevent it from becoming very difficult to get them clean again.
Step 1 - Wash away visible dirt. Evaluate the time you have to do it and use a clean towel, an old toothbrush that you are thinking of throwing away, or if you are really short on time; your hands.
Just like with your teeth, it is important to remove dirt from the shoes so that the bad does not get worse - it will save you future problems and headaches.
Step 2 - The next thing you can do is remove the remaining dirt that came from an outdoor trip; regardless of whether you just took a walk to the store where the road is clean - you will be surprised at how much can get stuck under the shoe.
Rinse the shoes with a wet towel or a concentrated jet of water; for example, under the sink or showerhead if you are careful enough. It is especially useful to do this if you have been jogging in the forest where it is wet and muddy.
Step 3 - Last but not least, clean the large and visible stains. If you have managed to get large stains on the shoe and it is recent; it will probably be possible to remove it if you are quick enough to apply a soap and water mixture to the stain.
The type of products you can use for this depends on the shoe and we will delve deeper into how you can get rid of difficult stains and marks later in the article.
The other general tips will go a long way, but it is important to be cautious with the different materials the shoes have as it requires a bit more attention from you if you need to clean them further. Next, we will guide you through how to wash knitted, mesh, canvas, leather, synthetic leather, and suede leather shoes.
Knitted and mesh shoes
Also called knit, or knitted shoes, which can be described as breathable with a mesh-like appearance. It has been a big trend lately to wear knitted sneakers, but the problem is that they also tend to get dirty easily. Unlike other materials found in shoes, knitted materials are very porous by nature; in other words, they are provided with pores and openings. This means that it attracts mud, dirt, sweat, and everything that loves to seep into the material, and that often seems impossible to clean.
Mesh shoes have the same problems as knitted shoes since they are both made of breathable material, dirt and other debris get caught in the netting around the shoe when you, for example, are jogging or exercising. The difference between mesh and knitted, however, is that mesh shoes are usually made of synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon and can therefore withstand more thorough cleaning.
How to wash shoes in the washing machine
Our running shoes are made of mesh material and we have found that they can withstand the washing machine as long as you remove the laces and insoles and set the washing machine to 30 degrees with a low spin cycle. The white shoes are made to maintain their white color longer. But if you want to be more careful, follow the advice below.
With the help of this guide, we will make the impossible possible. Although knit and mesh shoes require a lot of love, it does not mean that they cannot be restored to their original state - they just need a little extra patience and gentleness.
Here's how to do it
With knitted shoes you must be very careful, they are soft and flexible which makes them more fragile compared to a nylon blend mesh or other materials. This means that brushing is a no-no and is too rough for the fabric, so you must use a soft cloth or microfiber cloth to remove the stains.
- When it comes to cleaning products, you must also be careful. The chemicals in detergents can be too strong for the fabric. Instead, use mild shower soap.
- Cover the area you want to wash with soap and wet it with cold water.
- Gently rub it with the cloth you have available until the stain has been lifted from the fabric.
- Remove the soap residue with a wet towel and let it air dry.
With mesh, it may be that stronger materials such as nylon and polyester have been used and it will then be possible to use a brush if you have one available or an old toothbrush. It also varies if the shoes are soft or hard; so if you go for a toothbrush, use soft bristles for soft shoes and hard bristles for hard shoes.
- You know your shoe best, so choose the right brush - soft for soft and hard for hard.
- Brush away dirt and debris that you have on the shoe.
- Mix 1 part baking soda with 1 part vinegar and soak the mixture on the dirty areas or stains for about 15 minutes.
- After the 15 minutes have passed, gently scrub the area you covered for a few minutes before finally using a soft, wet cloth to wash and dry it away.
Synthetic leather shoes
The material in synthetic leather shoes does not hold onto stains as tightly as nylon/polyester mesh and is more forgiving than genuine leather shoes, so the difficulty of washing your synthetic shoes is fortunately much easier. Hopefully, you will notice that dirt and debris lift off easily as you begin to clean them.
Here's how to do it
- Mix a solution that contains warm water and a little mild detergent.
- Get a clean cloth and soak it in the solution before you set out to wash away and soak the dirty areas of your shoe.
- When you have soaked the dirty areas, gently scrub them with a brush or toothbrush for a few minutes.
- Wipe the shoes as clean with a soft and wet cloth to remove the soap residue and let the shoes air dry.
Canvas sneakers
Canvas shoes, however, are less forgiving and more likely to get dirty than synthetic leather shoes, but they make up for it by being very durable. That being said, it will then be possible to clean the shoes with your washing machine; just be careful and make sure you preferably put them in a pillowcase and let it run on a gentle cycle with cold water and very little cleaning agent, and if the shoes are completely white, you can add bleach and skip the cleaning agent. When finished, take them out and let them air dry. But it is always best to wash the shoes by hand, as you will have more control over what goes where.
Here's how to do it by hand
- Make a mixture that contains equal amounts of baking soda and warm water.
- Find the good old, and used or a new specifically for shoes, toothbrush and dip it in the mixture you blended together.
- Scrub the stains and dirt that have gotten on the shoes with the toothbrush until it becomes clean.
- Let the shoes dry with the mixture you scrubbed in still on before you eventually wash away the dried baking soda mixture with a damp cloth.
Leather shoes
Leather can be a fantastic material that can do a lot for an outfit, but it can also create great frustration and headaches when trying to clean the items. It is easy to get a lot of stains on leather shoes and they are very easy to get wear marks on and off almost anything, which can distort the natural patina of the material. As soon as you notice that the shoes have a stain on them, the most important thing will be to carefully clean the stains that have appeared.
Here's how to do it
- Make a mixture of some liquid dish soap and water in a bowl. Dip a microfiber cloth in the mixture and use it to gently wash away visible dirt and salt stains from the surface of the shoe.
- Add baking soda to the mixture from step 1, and mix it with an old toothbrush if you are using it or a brush with suitable bristles for leather. Use the toothbrush to scrub the soles of the shoe until you see no more dirt. Wipe away the soap and dirt with the microfiber cloth, or gently rinse it away under the sink.
- A clever idea we came up with is that you can use window cleaner to make the shoes shinier! Spray the cleaner either directly on the shoe or on a microfiber cloth, then polish it and dry it off.
- Do the same with the other shoe and let them dry completely, but keep them away from direct sunlight and heat.
Suede leather shoes
Suede sneakers, or suede, are one of the most frustrating shoes to try to maintain the quality. Suede lacks the outer protective barrier of leather which gives it the velvety feel on the shoes, but it also opens up for it to be very vulnerable to a sea of nasty accidents you might come across when wearing them. To make matters worse, suede is also quite resistant to cleaning.
If you have not done so, it would be wise to invest in a brush specifically designed for suede. Just be careful when brushing as you do not want to be too aggressive, but the brush can work wonders for cleaning the surface.
Another thing you can invest in is a suede eraser. You press the eraser against the stain and rub and manipulate it until the stain disappears. When you are done, use a clean cloth to remove the residues that came from cleaning.
If the shoes still have not been cleaned by the two products you invested in or just do not want to invest in it, then you can resort to white vinegar.
Here's how to do it
- Apply a little white vinegar to a clean cloth before gently soaking the cloth on the stain. You do not need much vinegar, so apply as little as possible.
- Wash the stain gently with the cloth that has white vinegar on it.
- When you have managed to wash away the stain, clean the area with a water-dampened cloth or towel and let it air dry.
How to keep shoes clean
Now that you have received a real introduction to how to clean sneakers, we can summarize the guide with a few simple tips to keep them clean.
- Spot-check your shoes every time you get home. It may seem like an unnecessary and tiring extra thing to do, but if you have control over how your shoes are before you put them away, you can maintain their quality.
- It is super important to clean stains immediately when you notice them. Gravel, dirt, and other sticky stuff you encounter can be easiest to clean immediately when they come into contact with your shoes, so try to do something about it as soon as possible, even if all you have available is a little soap and water in the bar's bathroom.
- Last but not least, apply products that create a protective barrier when necessary. Not all shoe variants need to be sprayed or rubbed in, but especially leather and suede will greatly benefit from a little extra love. Remember to impregnate your shoes.
- You impregnate leather shoes with wax. Suede/Nubuck or other shoes like sneakers and running shoes; you use spray. Remember to wash the shoes and let them air dry unless they are completely new before you impregnate, so the impregnation becomes a fresh and protective layer.